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Descrierea ofertei

Lot de 35 de unitati mobilier de interior si mobilier de gradina.\nRetur client functionalNetestat (1 produs pentru ca posibil incomplet)\nIn acest lot veti gasi produse precum:\n\nCanapea 3 locuriCanapea 2 locuri convertibila Fotoliu de relaxare Fotoliu din stofa Fotoliu transformabilLot de 2 ChairsLot of 2 stoolsLot of 4 chairsPadded headboardBABORD desk -AZIMA TV unit - 3 drawersODILE round tableAcacia garden tableGarden dining tableSlatted frame to assembleStainless steel mirror...\nTo know the whole lot, download the listing in Excel which is at the bottom of this page .\n


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