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22 Numărul de pachete rămase

Cele mai bune oferte de stocuri din 150 de țări

Peste 100 000 utilizatori mulțumiți

Oferă mai ieftin cu până la 90% din prețul de pornire

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Descrierea ofertei

The displayed price is for a display with 30 pieces.. Each piece is individually wrapped.
A display contains 30 hand made lollipops on the bamboo stick in the shape of a Colored bunnies, each with a net weight of 30 grams, 15 cm (height, including stick).

Price per piece*: 0.4 EUR
1 BOX - 8 DISPLAYS (240 pieces)
1 PALLET - 42 BOXES -336 DISPLAYS (10080 pieces)
Net weight per display: 0,9 kg
Bucket dimensions (LxWxH): 25x25x32cm
Brut weight: ~ 1 kg
Self life - 12 month
Min. BBD: 11 month
sugar 65%, glucose syrup 30%, drinking water 4%, acidifier: citric acid 1%, natural flavors
Wave of energy per 100 gr: 1626kj/383 kcal; Fats 0.0g; Carbohydrates/Glucides 98.6g; Sugars 98.6g; Protein 0.0g; Salt 0.0g

Conditions of delivery: EXW, FCA Roman, jud. Neamt, Romania
Free delivery in Europe on orders over 10000 EUR (Spain, Portugal. UK over 12000 EUR)
Delivery time: 1 to 2 working days (if the products are in stock in conformity of you order), 5-10 working days if necessary to produce the required quantity
Minimum order quantity EXW - 1 BOX, FCA - 1 PALLET

There is the possibility to inspect the goods before loading.
There is the possibility to load the goods (in conformity to MOQ) mixed with other 40 the same products that we have in stock (see all our offers)
Sticker services are possible in every language you need.
Store in a dry place at a maximum temperature of +23 degrees Celsius. To be consumed preferably by the date written on the package.


Notificări zilnice despre produse noi și știri de pe site-ul Merkandi.